Clifford Gulley

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In this compelling interview, we meet a musical pioneer Clifford Gulley who journeyed from Kingston, Jamaica to England at the young age of 17. A participant in the early days of sound systems, he speaks of his enduring passion for music, particularly saxophone and rhythm and blues. At 19, he got his first saxophone through a friend who acted as a guarantor, kickstarting a lifelong journey of musical exploration. However, the grim reality of racism led him to divert his attention towards studying black history, a search for self-respect and dignity in a foreign land. He eventually came back to his musical roots and took the audacious step of founding a music school in Northampton with support from the European Social Fund. Despite financial and bureaucratic challenges, the school ran for more than five years, making an indelible mark on young lives. Listen in to discover how music became both a tool for personal development and community uplift.

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