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Scroll down to find interviews and links about the historys and stories of Windrush and black history in Northamptonshire

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Robert Hendry

Community leader sharing black history through plays, talks, and education. From Windrush to WWI, an educator that challenges stereotypes.

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A trailblazer in nursing & policing, her life blends Jamaican & UK cultures. From her parents' 1950s move to the UK to her own experiences.

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Clifford Gulley

A Jamaican musician who moved to the UK at 17. From sound systems to sax, his journey led him to found a Northampton music school.

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Northampton Museum and Art Gallery

This series of videos is part of a digital exhibition that tells the story of the Windrush generation who arrived in the 1950s and later.

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Northamptonshire Black History Association

the organization focuses on educating the public about Black History and promoting racial harmony in Northamptonshire, the UK, and beyond.

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